Minimum TV CHANNEL Setup Graphics
After Approval that TV Channel will follow Roku or Amazonfire Regulations, you will need to provide Graphics and Information.
The Graphics Needed that are TV Channel Ready Colours
Asset Size Format Description
Channel logo 400 x 90 JPEG or PNG The logo to be displayed inside the channel.
Splash screen 1920 x 1080 JPEG or PNG The screen to be displayed while the channel is loading.
Background image 1920X1080 JPEG or PNG The image to be displayed in the background of the channel's home page.
Alternatively, you can use a background color instead of this image.
Small search logo 165 x 60 JPEG or PNG The logo to be displayed within Roku Search as a button for playing the channel's content.
Poster 540x405 JPEG or PNG The thumbnail to be displayed in the Roku Channel Store search and details pages. This image should make it easy for customers to identify your channel.
These images should be key art graphic with the full title of the asset visible. Use an aspect ratio of 16:9.
Screenshots 1920x1080 JPEG or PNG Screenshots to be used for marketing the channel in the Roku Channel Store. Select screenshots that best depict your channel's user experience and catalog. You can provide up to six screenshots.
No color should have any R, G or B value higher than 235 or lower than 16.
* Black is not black, and white is not white; instead, use RGB values of 16, 16, 16 for black and 235, 235, 235 for white. It looks terrible on your computer screen, but it looks normal on TV.
* No color should be over-saturated in any one channel, so values in the R, G and B channels should be within 191 of each other. (For example, R 200, G 100, B 50 is good, while R235, G 16, B 16 is not.)
Background color
Any color that is suitable for television displays in hexadecimal format. The background color to be used for the channel home page instead of a background image.
Background overlay
Any color that is suitable for television displays in hexadecimal format. The overlay color applied over the background image at 80% opacity.
Light or dark The color of the text displayed in the channel UI.
Progress bar
Any color in hexadecimal format. The color of the progress bar displayed when content is being retrieved, paused, and in trick mode.
Selected content highlight
Any color in hexadecimal format. The color to outline the currently selected content in the channel home page.
Channel Logo
400 X 90 image in JPEG or PNG format.
Splash Screen -this is Screen seen while Channel is Loading
1920 X 1080 image in JPEG or PNG format.
Small Channel Logo
165 X 60 image in JPEG or PNG format displayed in Roku Search as a button for playing Channel Content
Background Channel
Whether a Background Color or Image field, either select the color to be used for the background of the channel UI, or upload an image to be displayed in the background and then optionally apply a color overlay.
To use a background color, select the color from a pre-existing palette, or directly specify the HEX value (the background color must suitable for television displays).
To use a background image, upload a 1920 X 1080 image in JPEG or PNG format. If you apply a color overlay to the background image, the color must suitable for television displays.
In the Text Color field, select the color of the text to be used in the channel UI (light or dark).
In the Highlight Color field, select the color to be used for outlining the currently selected content in the channel home page. Select the color from a pre-existing palette, or directly specify the HEX value.
In the Progress Color field, select the color of the progress bar, which is displayed when content is being retrieved, paused, and in trick mode. Select the color from a pre-existing palette, or directly specify the HEX value.
TV SHOW Episode
Besides the mp4 format video for the TV SHOW, there is an information sheet to fill in for Title, description, long description and location of downloaded graphic thumbnail for the TV SHOW Episode.
Each TV Show Episode requires a Thumbnail to display on the TV Channel so that it can be picked and opened to run the episode.
Design a Thumbnail (see discussion) of 800x450 jpeg or png (minimum size) or the TV Software will pick a image from within your TV Show as the Thumbnail.
LiveStream Show
A unique RTMP link (watch the video ) to broadcast LIVE on your TV Channel needs to have a BRANDED THUMBNAIL showing when you aren't broadcasting LIVE.