
Faith based Organizations can increase their reach with a TV Channel

Faith based organizations are now using their own TV show broadcast on their own TV Channel now on Roku and Amazonfire. For your parishoners or followers who can’t make it to your live service they can watch it anytime on a TV Channel.


  • Provide an easy-to-use opportunity for elderly, sick or travelling church members to participate and stay connected. The large TV screens, the simplified remote and the intuitive navigation provide make it possible for young and old to watch your services (both live-streams and on-demand).¨
  • Friendship Evangelism is one of the most effective church growth strategies. Your ROKU Channel supports your members’ efforts to share their excitement for your church with friends and family, while showing a church service on the big-screen TV in the living room.
  • Small Group networks can utilize ROKU boxes to play back a special video uploaded by the church leadership. Such videos can introduce a discussion topic, educate, edify and make everyone feel connected and on the same page.


With your own TV Channel, you can:

  1. profile and promote the Organization to your parishoners about your activities, events and workshops on a TV Channel
  2. reach out to a larger market with an international audience with your faith services
  3. you can have as a benefit or ask for promotional fee for members to showcase their business on your Channel
  4. you can approach sponsors to pay a fee for ads on your TV Channel which can be promoted
  5. you can have additional revenue for your group by selling 30 second ads to supporters who support your organization.
  6. you can now create a subscription based channel to make the TV Channel private only available to your own members.
  7. you can have a live service on live TV through Roku in real-time creating a live connection and participation on your audience.

As you can see a TV Channel for your Group can make you revenue, attract sponsors, benefit your members and create more awareness for your group in your local and international community.

As a Personal Development Associate, I am doing “Finding Your Purpose TV” for viewers to bring awareness that their personality may affect their success in business. As well, I want to connect with other coaches or trainers or experts to share their wisdom about personality. Besides doing this TV Channel  as a service, as a purpose that I feel i need to do to bring awareness to how your personality can affect your relationships with family, co-workers or friends, I want to be seen as an expert who knows what she is talking about such that others will listen to me and take action and get help to “find their purpose.”

Now I also interviewed experts on how they “found their purpose” and besides the value of the content, I also could have asked for referrals to other experts to interview or connect in my business so I am connecting and growing my network with the TV show.

Now with a TV Show there are over 40 million subscribers on Roku and Amazon Fire who are looking for content to watch. There is an international reach with the United States the majority of subscribers but moving into more markets and four languages English French Portuguese and Spanish

You could have celebrity status, in comparison to your competitors,  if you use the Easy TV Show Blueprint (get here if you don’t have it) and re-purposing your TV show into other media formats including podcast, magazine or on your website.

Have you seen the “Easy TV SHOW BLUEPRINT” download? Download it here.

Feel free to talk to me about TV Show and what it takes by Scheduling a Call. 

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